The Rhea County Extension office is proud to announce a $500.00 4-H scholarship to be given to a graduating Rhea County senior. The scholarship is open to all Rhea County 4-H Honor Club members and will be announced during the Rhea County High School Awards Day in May of each year. The scholarship will be judged on 4-H experiences, scholarship, financial need and other extracurricular activities. Applicants must have been accepted as a freshman at any college, university, technical or trade school in any major or field. The scholarship will be awarded on January 1 following the successful completion of one quarter or one semester of college or schoolwork. Successful completion is defined as a minimum of a 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 grading scale. Applications are due at the Rhea County Extension office by March 1st of each year.
Rhea County 4-H Scholarship Application
Rhea County 4-H Scholarship Rules and Regulations
Besides the local scholarship, Tennessee 4-H has numerous scholarships available. An online 4-H College Scholarship Program will be used to submit scholarship applications. Visit the Tennessee 4-H webpage for more information.
A list of available scholarships can be found at available scholarships along with a User Guide for completing the online scholarship application.
If you have any questions on the Rhea County 4-H Scholarship or other 4-H scholarships, please contact the Rhea County Extension office at 423-775-7807.