Southeast TN Goat & Sheep Marketing Alliance (SETGMA)
The primary purpose of the Alliance is to increase profits of small ruminant producers by grouping animals to increase sale prices and decrease sale barn fees and transportation costs. Membership is open to both goat and sheep producers.
An annual membership fee of $20.00 per producer is required to participate. These funds will be used to offset costs of the Alliance. In addition, $5.00 will be collected for each animal sold through the Alliance on the day of sale. Producers are required to complete a producer contract for each sale.
Master Small Ruminant Producer
The Master Small Ruminant Producer Program is designed as an educational tool to provide information and insight to broaden production management skills and improve the competition advantage in the market place toward increased profitability for the meat goat producer. For a registration form, please click here.
Scrapie Tags
Scrapie is a fatal disease affecting sheep and goats. It is among several transmissible diseases that can result in production losses. In order to combat the disease, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has initiated the scrapie eradication program. Part of the program is to allow traceability of animals back to infected farms.
To order scrapie tags, please contact the Tennessee Department of Agriculture at (615) 339-5455 or APHIS at 1-866-873-2824. The tags and applicators are FREE!! All small ruminants leaving your farm are required to be tagged and records of sales must be kept.
For more information, visit the APHIS website at http://www.aphis.usda.gov .